Title Page : The first page should contain a title, running title in separate lines, running title contain should not more than 30 letters, the names and addresses of the authors and contact details of the corresponding author (e-mail and phone numbers).
Abstract : It should not be more than 250 words. The Abstract should be containing in briefly about aim, methods, results, discussion and conclusion in single paragraph.
Key words : key words should not more than 5, must be given at the end of the Abstract. Manuscript title words should not be repeated in the key words.
Introduction : This part should contain the background and significance of the research problem by taking into consideration, the relevant literature, particularly the most recent publications.
Materials and Methods : Provide concise but complete information about the materials and methods. This part should be as lucid as possible.
Results and Discussion : This part should contain the results in the form of illustrations (tables and figures). Tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic numericals. Tables or figures should be appearing in the text serial order. The interpreted results should be explained plainly in discussions and should relate them to the published papers as possible. The table, graph and figure heading should have font 10 pt in size. Labels of the table, graph and figures should not part of the image must be in the text form. Color photographs and illustrations must be clean, original.
Review Articles
Should not be more than 20 pages long. All format requirements are same as those applicable to full research papers. Review articles should be divided into sections such as abstract and introduction and no need to include materials, methods and discussions.
Acknowledgements : A brief Acknowledgements section may be included.
References: References should be incorporated in the text by the Arabic numerals in super script. The references should be inserted at the end of the manuscript in the order of their appearance in the main text. References to journal articles, books, proceedings, chapters in books,
etc. should be listed as given below :
Journals :
1. Jijun F, Lishuang X, Xiaoguang T, Min S, Mingming Z, Haibing H, Xing T. The inhibition effect of high storage temperature on the recrystallization rate during dissolution of nimodipine-Kollidon VA64 solid dispersions (NM-SD) prepared by hot-melt extrusion. J Pharm Sci, 2011;100:1643-7
Books :
Banker GS, Rhodes CT, Modern Pharmaceutics, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002.
Agreement of Copyright Form (ACF)
Authors are required to sign Agreement of Copyright Form (ACF), once the manuscript is accepted which would be sent to the corresponding author’s email. It can be mailed as an attachment file after scanning to the editor.
Manuscript Proofs
Manuscript Proof is sent to the corresponding author through e-mail. Author must carefully check and forward the revised manuscript within 48 hours of receipt. The authors are accountable for the contents appeared in their published manuscript.